
Logo Brüning Technische Coatings B.V.

Learning is done not only in school, at the computer and in books but also in practice.

Brüning The Coating Company believes it is important to also bring attention to the profession of surface treatment.
Surface treatment receives little or no attention during most courses, while almost all products undergo a surface treatment.
Think of the beautiful coating on your bike or car, the Teflon coating in your frying pan or the coating that protects bridges and lampposts against all weather and environmental influences.

You learn the most by doing it yourself in the field.
Therefore, Brüning Technische Coatings is always looking for new inquisitive students to invest in the employee of the future.
Brüning Technische Coatings has been recognized by SBB as a learning company.
Because of this, Brüning Technische Coatings meets all conditions to give students a good learning place with the right guidance.

Brüning Technische Coatings is open to all levels.
Not only for internship or graduation but also for short projects.
As a student looking for an apprenticeship?
Look at vacancies for current projects.
No interesting/fitting project for you.
We are always open to discuss what is possible.


Max Janssen

Leuk dat je interesse hebt in een stage of afstudeerproject bij Brüning Coatings!

Vertel ons iets meer over jezelf met dit formulier en we nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met je op.

Nice that you are interested in an internship or graduate project at Brüning Coatings!

Tell us a little more about yourself with this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.